.. _deployment: Deployment ========== When scout is run from the command-line, it will use the multi-threaded Werkzeug WSGI server. While this server is perfect for development and small installations, you may want to use a high-performance WSGI server to deploy Scout. Scout provides a WSGI app, so you can use any WSGI server for deployment. Popular choices are: * `Gevent `_ * `Gunicorn `_ * `uWSGI `_ The Flask documentation also provides a list of popular WSGI servers and how to integrate them with Flask apps. Since Scout is a Flask application, all of these examples should work with minimal modification: http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/0.10/deploying/wsgi-standalone/ Gevent ------ Here is an example wrapper script for running Scout using the Gevent WSGI server: .. code-block:: python from gevent import monkey monkey.patch_all() from gevent.pywsgi import WSGIServer from scout.server import parse_options # Parse command-line options and return a Flask app. app = parse_options() # Run the WSGI server on localhost:8000. WSGIServer(('', 8000), app).serve_forever() You could then run the wrapper script using a tool like `supervisord `_ or another process manager. Gunicorn -------- Here is an example wrapper script for running Scout using Gunicorn. .. code-block:: python # Wrapper script to initialize database. from scout.server import parse_options app = parse_options() Here is how to run gunicorn using the above wrapper script: .. code-block:: console $ gunicorn --workers=4 --bind= --worker-class=gevent wrapper:app uWSGI ----- Here is an example wrapper script for uWSGI. .. code-block:: python # Wrapper script to initialize database. from scout import parse_options app = parse_options() Here is how you might run using the above wrapper script: .. code-block:: console $ uwsgi --http :8000 --wsgi-file wrapper.py --master --processes 4 --threads 2 It is common to run uWSGI behind Nginx. For more information `check out the uWSGI docs `_.